Viewing and Accepting Requests

MindForMe - Help Center

Our platform’s essence lies in facilitating the exchange of assistance—both giving and receiving. It serves as a hub where individuals come together to support one another, embodying the core purpose of fostering helpfulness in our community.

When someone requests help, you can see it through the Dashboard, under their profile or other requests for help, or via a notification. Depending on the privacy settings for others, you might not see their personal details but you will see the information most relevant to the help they need.

If they are visible to you, you can see the full details of the request such as names.

When you can help, accepting the request will show a pop-up where you can select the member(s) of your family that will help as well as provide a message if you like.

This is sent back to the family asking for a hand so they can review and confirm the help.