MindForMe Kind Coins

Mind For Me’s Care Coins

So many options out there involve you paying for a babysitter, pet sitter, for bits of help around your home and garden but Mind For Me has taken a different approach. If you’re wanting to spend money for a hand in your neighbourhood, there are dozens of platforms and apps to do that but Mind…

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MindForMe SDG Goal 8 Decent Work & Ecenomic Growth

SDGs: Goal 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth

This is an important goal Mind For Me contributes to. We believe in empowerment. In giving people a real opportunity to improve their circumstances. When you’re struggling it feels like the World wants to kick you whilst you’re down. Late fees and penalties, inability to meet needs… it all stacks up against you. In Australia…

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MindForMe 1in10 aussies

1 in 10 Aussies Not Keeping Up

We talk about many Aussie families having to think about their spending, getting through a day at a time. The latest Household Financial Comfort Report shows our overall financial comfort is not increasing, although work conditions have improved. Paying monthly expenses has actually decreased and 40% of people are seeing living expenses increase. Those under 35 and…

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