The third Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Well-Being describes and outlines physical and medical aspects. It touches on mental health which Mind For Me looks to impact. Although reducing poverty and hunger helps achieve health and nutrition, mental health issues are different. Areas such as loneliness and isolation need to be tackled through broader and deeper solutions working together.
In Australia one in five experience mental illness of some form each year and most of us will be impacted by this (Fifth National Mental Health Plan , p. 5). The Australian Government’s Department of Health recognises factors go beyond the National Health System to influence good mental health and mental illness (National Mental Health Policy, p. 10).
‘Social Inclusion and Recovery’ was a first priority in the previous Fourth National Mental Health Plan (p. iv). Those with mental health issues are valued and supported by their communities, with an approach involving an integrated approach within community, The newer Fifth National Mental Health Plan ( p. 39) recognises social inclusion and recovery as a key element of reducing stigma and discrimination around mental illness. Mind For Me contributes to such a solution, enabling recognition of value and the provision of support and social inclusion from within the community.
One of the most significant factors in quality life expectancy is social relationships ( Strengthen relationships for longer, healthier life). Harvard research suggests emotional, mental and physical health can all be improved through more meaningful social relationships (Can relationships boost longevity and well-being?).
How does one find and maintain quality social relationships?
Mind For Me provides a new way to give reason for maintaining social relationships. Needs can be most basic and people can offer their help for a broad range of these needs. This establishes more social connection. It let’s people easily create social occasions around the need for a hand but this positive, supportive approach adds quality and purpose to the relationships formed. If people want someone to help with cooking, or have a few in the neighbourhood help in the garden, it can easily be arranged using Mind For Me.
Helping with very real needs
Another area Mind For Me provides support in health and well-being is in covering less specialised needs. For those less able or elderly, often a budget is provided for care assistance. “Some of the care provided may be everyday tasks such as feeding pets or cleaning out the fridge” (Neighbour nurse plan ‘a big boon to elderly’). Significant portions of that funding is spent on very general needs such as garden maintenance, assistance around the home including cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and also helping in areas such as buying groceries. At Mind For Me we believe these less skilled areas don’t need to be paid out of someone’s care budget. They can save that and draw on resources from within the community. Budgets they have for care can then be spent on more specialised services or in equipment and aids.
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